How to Network Smart, Not Hard

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Introduction to Networking

Networking smart is an essential aspect of professional success. However, not all networking groups and communities are created equal. Many professionals waste valuable time and energy on inefficient networking strategies that yield little return on investment. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to network smart, not hard, with proven tactics that will help you save time, pass more referrals, and ultimately make more money in Joplin, Carthage, Neosho, and Webb City. Let’s dive in!

Network Smart: The Benefits of Effective Networking

Increased Work Efficiency

According to a study, professionals who network smart save up to 50% more time compared to those who don’t. We’ve all seen those who seem to be at every networking function, lunch, and meeting. They may seem like a real “people-person,” but that doesn’t mean they are networking efficiently. By implementing targeted and strategic networking tactics, you can maximize your networking efforts and generate better results in a fraction of the time.

Quality Over Quantity

The key to networking smart is focusing on quality over quantity. Engaging with the right people and making meaningful connections with centers of influence can lead to long-term professional relationships. This in turn can result in more quality connections, more referrals, and have a positive impact on your bottom line.

More Referrals

When you network smart, you are more likely to pass and receive valuable referrals. A Harvard Business Review study found that professionals who network smart are 60% more likely to receive quality referrals compared to those who network inefficiently.

Building Trust

By focusing on building trust and credibility, you’ll increase the likelihood that your connections will refer you to others, ultimately expanding your professional network. Focusing on closing sales without nurturing a relationship can seriously impact your credibility and negatively impact your bottom line.

Increased Revenue

Professionals who network smart have been shown to earn up to 30% more money than those who don’t, according to a recent study. By leveraging your network effectively, you can capitalize on new business opportunities and increase your earning potential.

Top Strategies for Efficient Networking

Set Clear Networking Goals

To network smart, you need to have a clear understanding of your networking objectives. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to guide your networking efforts and ensure you’re making the most of your time. Make a list of the professionals you want to meet, why you want to meet them, and ways you can help them achieve their business goals.

Align Goals with Your Business Objectives

Ensure that your networking goals align with your overall business objectives to maximize the impact of your networking efforts.

Identify Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial when networking smart. Identify the key decision-makers, influencers, and potential collaborators within your industry, and focus your networking efforts on building relationships with these individuals.

Research Your Prospects

Take the time to research your prospects before engaging with them, so you can tailor your approach and make a lasting impression.

Leverage Online Networking Platforms

In today’s digital age, online networking platforms have become invaluable tools for professionals looking to network smart. Utilize platforms such as LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, and virtual networking events to expand your network and connect with your target audience.

Optimize Your Online Presence

Ensure your online profiles accurately represent your professional brand and showcase your expertise. This will make it easier for others to connect with you.

How to Pass More Referrals

Cultivate Strong Professional Relationships

To pass more referrals, you must first establish strong professional relationships with your network. Focus on building trust and credibility by demonstrating your expertise and providing value to your connections. As with many things in life, it is important to first give to others. Become a resource for your professional network, and in time, they will also become a resource for you!

Be Generous with Your Knowledge

Share your insights, advice, and resources with your network to establish yourself as a valuable connection and increase your referral potential.

Listen Actively and Identify Needs

Actively listen to your connections and identify their needs, challenges, and goals. By understanding their unique circumstances, you’ll be better equipped to provide targeted referrals that truly benefit them.

Ask the Right Questions

Engage in meaningful conversations with your network by asking open-ended questions that encourage them to share more about their needs and aspirations.

Follow Up and Stay Connected

Maintaining regular contact with your network is crucial to passing more referrals. Follow up with your connections, check in on their progress, and share updates about your own professional journey to keep your network engaged and informed.

Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Set aside time in your calendar for regular check-ins with your network to ensure you stay top of mind and maintain strong professional relationships.

The Power of Networking Smart in Joplin, Carthage, Neosho, and Webb City

Time Savings for Busy Professionals

Networking smart in the Joplin, Carthage, Neosho, and Webb City areas allows busy professionals to save precious time while still reaping the benefits of a strong professional network. By focusing on quality connections and targeted networking strategies, you’ll maximize your time and energy investment.

Local Networking Opportunities

Take advantage of local networking events, industry meetups, and business associations in your area to connect with like-minded professionals and grow your network efficiently. Join the chamber, get involved with your local toastmaster’s groups, and volunteer – this is a good place to start engaging in local networking opportunities.

Increased Referrals and Business Opportunities

By networking smart in these local communities, you’ll be better positioned to pass and receive valuable referrals, leading to increased business opportunities and revenue growth. Again, be a resource for your group and referrals will follow!

Support Local Businesses

When you network smart, you not only benefit your own professional success but also contribute to the growth and prosperity of your local business community.

A Thriving Professional Network

Ultimately, networking smart in Joplin, Carthage, Neosho, and Webb City helps professionals build a thriving network of valuable connections that can lead to long-term success and business growth.

Community Collaboration

As professionals in these areas network smart, they foster a collaborative environment where businesses can support one another and collectively achieve greater success.


Networking smart is the key to unlocking your full professional potential in Joplin, Carthage, Neosho, and Webb City. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll save time, pass more referrals, and ultimately make more money. Focus on quality connections, set clear networking goals, and leverage online platforms to maximize your networking efforts. Remember, the key to success is to network smart, not hard.

About We&Co Huddles

We&Co is a professional co-oping & professional networking business that was founded in Springfield, Missouri in 2020. While there are many professional networking groups in and around the United States, We&Co focuses on creating small industry-specific groups with five to ten professionals who all have the same target audience but offer different products and services.

In essence, professionals come to us when they want to save time while making more money. These industry-specific groups are essential pods of professionals surrounded by their ideal referral partners.

These small groups of referral partners (called “Huddles) meet up twice a month for an hour and talk strategy on how to become that one-stop-shop for their clients. If you are a professional who is interested in joining or launching your own We&Co co-op (or “Huddle” as we like to call them), feel free to email us here and remember to sign up for a FREE 14-day trial (no credit card details needed).

Want to become a We&Co member?  Or, would you like to start We&Co in your area and become a resource for your local business community?  Shoot us an email and let's get this convo started!