Free Professional Networking Events in Springfield, MO

Find New Business Opportunities with 4 Free Networking Events Every Month!

Looking to grow your business, expand your network, and connect with other 417 business owners?

We&Co offers four free networking events every month for Springfield business owners to advertise their craft and get to know others!

Connect with like-minded professionals, expand interest in your business, and make valuable connections through We&Co.

Want to Get Event Details?

Enter your email to get notified of all upcoming events, including details about location. As a bonus, you’ll get a FREE Elevator Pitch Guide to help you effectively advertise your business.

With our guide, learn what to say — and how to say it — to spark interest and make a lasting impression for your business.

Join us for a happy hour event perfect for unwinding after work. Get to know other like-minded professionals and create bonds over some free food!

The First Tuesday of Every Month
6:00pm – 8:00pm

A cigar room with table wine (bourbon)—this event is an excellent time for men to network, share ideas, and build strong business connections and relationships.

The Third Wednesday of Every Month
4:30pm – 6:30pm

Join our group of women entrepreneurs! Complete with free food, this event is for the ladies to make business connections, market their craft, and find opportunities for support.

The Second Monday of Every Month
11:30am – 1:00pm

Meet and mingle in a relaxed atmosphere over some lunch. Get involved in the community and spread the word about your business!

Want to Get Involved?

Sign up with your email to stay in the loop about all upcoming Springfield events, including venue details. Plus, as a thank-you, you’ll receive a FREE Elevator Pitch Guide to elevate your business communication.

This guide will teach you how to craft the perfect pitch—what to say and how to say it—to grab attention and leave a memorable impression on potential clients and partners.