We&Co’s Mission: Growing Local Business

mission statement vision statement weandco We&Co what's the difference business success


Hello, We&Co’s fabulous friends and fantastic followers! Today, we’re taking you behind the scenes to share something close to our hearts — the We&Co mission. Our mission is the guiding star of everything we do, and we’re excited to walk you through why it’s so essential to us and how we weave it into the fabric of our work with our members. So, grab a cup of your favorite brew and let’s get started!

Unveiling the We&Co Mission

At the heart of We&Co is a mission that inspires, motivates, and directs us: “Empowering local businesses to thrive through connection, collaboration, and shared success.” We’re not just about growing businesses; we’re about growing people, growing communities, and growing dreams. We believe in the power of local businesses and the vital role they play in the economy. (Reference: Federal Reserve Bank: The Importance of Local Business)

A mission statement and a vision statement are both critical elements of an organization’s strategic plan, but they serve distinct purposes and convey different concepts.

Mission Statement: The Here and Now

A mission statement outlines the organization’s purpose or reason for existence. It lays out what the organization does, who it serves, and how it accomplishes its objectives. It’s about the present — what the organization is doing right now to achieve its goals. In essence, it answers the question, “Why do we exist?”

For instance, We&Co’s mission statement: “Empowering local businesses to thrive through connection, collaboration, and shared success” gives a clear picture of what the organization does — it empowers local businesses, how it does this — through connection, collaboration, and shared success, and why it does this — to help local businesses thrive.

Vision Statement: The Future Aspiration

On the other hand, a vision statement presents the organization’s long-term goals and aspirations. It outlines what the organization wants to become or achieve in the future. It’s a source of inspiration and motivation, giving direction to the organization’s strategic planning. It answers the question, “Where do we want to be?”

If We&Co had a vision statement like: “To be the world’s most impactful network for local business growth and community development,” it would indicate its long-term goal — to become a leading global network, and what it hopes to achieve — impact local business growth and community development on a worldwide scale.

In summary, while both statements are fundamental to defining an organization’s identity and direction, a mission statement focuses on the present and explains the organization’s purpose and a vision statement focuses on the future, painting a picture of the organization’s aspirations.

Why Our Mission Matters

Our mission matters to us because we’re deeply passionate about local businesses and the communities they serve. We’ve seen firsthand the incredible ripple effect when local businesses succeed — it boosts local economies, fosters innovation, and builds stronger communities.

Just picture this: A local bakery starts thriving, they hire more staff, pay more local taxes, buy supplies from other local businesses, sponsor the local softball team, and before you know it, the whole community is uplifted! Our mission is the engine driving this positive change. (Reference: American Independent Business Alliance: Benefits of Doing Business Locally)

How We Implement Our Mission with Our Members

Implementation is where the magic happens. We bring our mission to life with our members through three key strategies:

  1. Connection: We foster a supportive network where members can connect, learn from one another, and form beneficial business relationships. We host networking events, offer an interactive online platform, and promote member businesses on our social media channels.
  2. Collaboration: We encourage members to collaborate, be it joint ventures, cross-promotions, or simply sharing knowledge and experience. We facilitate mastermind sessions, collaboration opportunities, and workshops.
  3. Shared Success: We celebrate the success of each member as a shared victory. We highlight member successes through our Success Stories series and annual awards.

We’re about more than just networking; we’re about building a community that genuinely cares and supports each other’s growth. And as we grow, we’re committed to bringing our mission to more local businesses and communities, igniting the powerful ripple effect of local business success.

(Reference: HBR: The Value of Keeping the Right Customers)

And there you have it — a peek into our mission statement, why it’s the beating heart of our organization, and how it shapes our work with our fantastic members. Here at We&Co, we’re all about growing local business through a supportive community and shared success.

Stay tuned for more exciting insights into the We&Co way of doing business. Until then, keep growing, keep connecting, and keep making a difference in your local community!

We&Co’s Core Values: Collaboration, Automation, and Sustainable Success

We’ve explored our mission statement and how it’s woven into the fabric of our work. Now, let’s dive into another crucial aspect of our identity — our core values. At We&Co, we believe in Collaboration, Automation, and Sustainable Success. These are not just fancy words we pin on our office wall; these are values we live and breathe each day.

Collaboration: We’re Better Together

Collaboration is the fuel that powers our collective engine. We are all about creating synergies and promoting an environment where we learn from each other, share ideas, and grow together. This approach strengthens relationships among members and helps us come up with creative solutions to business challenges. It’s all about harnessing the power of ‘We’. Because together, we are so much more potent than the sum of our parts. (Reference: Forbes: The Power of Collaboration)

Automation: Empowering through Efficiency

Our next core value is Automation. Automation is more than just technology or software. It’s a mindset that values efficiency, consistency, and scalability. By automating repetitive tasks, we free up our members’ time to focus on their strengths and growing their business. But we don’t stop there. We are continuously seeking ways to leverage automation to deliver better services, enhance communication, and offer a seamless member experience. (Reference: McKinsey: The Value of Automation in Business)

Sustainable Success: Creating All-Win Situations

Last but definitely not least, we champion Sustainable Success. We believe success is not a zero-sum game. Success is sweeter when it’s shared. That’s why we strive to create all-win situations, where our members, their clients, and the community all benefit. Sustainable success means helping our members build businesses that not only thrive but also contribute positively to the community and the environment. It’s about fostering growth that lasts, ensuring we’re all here for the long haul, making a difference. (Reference: Harvard Business Review: The Case for Sustainable Business)

In the We&Co universe, our core values are our guiding principles. They shape our actions, decisions, and interactions. They are at the heart of why we do what we do and how we strive to do it.

Together, our mission and core values create the unique We&Co DNA, driving our quest to empower local businesses and communities.

Remember, We&Co is more than a business network; it’s a community committed to your growth and success. So, here’s to Collaboration, Automation, and Sustainable Success. Here’s to We&Co — your partner in business growth!

Stay tuned for more insightful peeks into the We&Co way. Until then, keep collaborating, keep innovating, and keep shining!

About We&Co Huddles

We&Co is a professional co-oping & professional networking business that was founded in Springfield, Missouri in 2020. While there are many professional networking groups in and around the United States, We&Co focuses on creating small industry-specific groups with five to ten professionals who all have the same target audience but offer different products and services.

In essence, professionals come to us when they want to save time while making more money. These industry-specific groups are essential pods of professionals surrounded by their ideal referral partners.

These small groups of referral partners (called “Huddles) meet up twice a month for an hour and talk strategy on how to become that one-stop-shop for their clients. If you are a professional who is interested in joining or launching your own We&Co co-op (or “Huddle” as we like to call them), feel free to email us here and remember to sign up for a FREE 14-day trial (no credit card details needed).

Want to become a We&Co member?  Or, would you like to start We&Co in your area and become a resource for your local business community?  Shoot us an email and let's get this convo started! info@weandco.org